Hello and welcome to PrayerWeb

PrayerWeb is an on-line message management system designed specifically for the passing of prayer requests via your email system. Traditional methods of email distribution require you to know the email address of all the recipients and all recipients will get the message regardless of whether they want it or not.

PrayerWeb is subscription based, requiring the users to sign up and register their email and group membership, this allows each individual church member to opt in to the system regardless of whether they choose to publish their email address in the member's directory. It also allows members to have their work address as a recipient without having to give this out to the whole church.

By use of group management, small groups such as house groups, leadership groups or committees can maintain a distribution group, this can be closed membership or open to any PrayerWeb subscriber.

You will be able to host this yourself or we can provide a hosted environment either as a standalone site via a link from your web site or enclosed within a frame within your own site if you wish.

Any enquiries can be sent to the Prayer Web Administrator